Posts by Climate Nexus

Climate Nexus is a strategic communications group dedicated to highlighting the impacts of climate change and clean energy solutions in the United States.

Survey of Indoor Air Quality Health Criteria and Standards

1 min read

(Environmental Protection Agency & Department of Housing Urban Dev...

Effect of Short-Term Low-Level Nitrogen Dioxide Exposure on Bronchial Sensitivity of Asthmatic Patients

1 min read

(The Journal of Clinical Investigation) The study put 20 asthmatics (r...

Association of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide with Respiratory Symptoms in Children: Application of Measurement Error Correction Techniques to Utilize Data from Multiple Surrogates

1 min read

(Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology) A study...

Respiratory Disease Rates and Pulmonary Function in Children Associated With NO2 Exposure

1 min read

(The American Review of Respiratory Disease) A study of 8,000 children...

Home is Where the Pipeline Ends: Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds Present in Natural Gas at the Point of the Residential End User

1 min read

(Environmental Science & Technology) This study analyzed the prese...