Posts by Climate Nexus

Climate Nexus is a strategic communications group dedicated to highlighting the impacts of climate change and clean energy solutions in the United States.

Health Effects of Fine Particulate Air Pollution: Lines That Connect

1 min read

(Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association) Scientists rev...

Commentary: Gas Cooking and Child Respiratory Health—Time to Identify the Culprits?

1 min read

(International Journal of Epidemiology) Commentary on a meta-analysis ...

Childhood Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Black Carbon and the Development of New Wheeze between Ages 5 and 7 in an Urban Prospective Cohort

1 min read

(Environment International) Findings suggest that childhood exposure t...

Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide and Gas Cooking on Asthma and Wheeze in Children

1 min read

(International Journal of Epidemiology) This meta-analysis aimed to qu...

Association of Early-Life Exposure to Household Gas Appliances and Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide with Cognition and Attention Behavior in Preschoolers

1 min read

(American Journal of Epidemiology) The study investigated the effect o...

A Longitudinal Study of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Levels and Respiratory Symptoms in Inner-City Children with Asthma

1 min read

(Environmental Health Perspectives) This study aimed to determine the ...

PM2.5 and Cardiovascular Diseases in the Elderly: An Overview

1 min read

(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health) Th...

Short-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Lung Function in the Framingham Heart Study

1 min read

(American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine) Short-ter...

Short-Term Exposure to PM2.5 and Vanadium and Changes in Asthma Gene DNA Methylation and Lung Function Decrements among Urban Children

1 min read

(Respiratory Research) Both short and long-term exposure to traffic-re...

Alteration of DNA Methylation Induced by PM2.5 in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells

1 min read

(Toxicology Research) The study looked into the impact of PM2.5 (fine ...