Posts by Climate Nexus

Climate Nexus is a strategic communications group dedicated to highlighting the impacts of climate change and clean energy solutions in the United States.

Effects Of Prenatal Exposure To No2 On Children's Neurodevelopment: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis

1 min read

(Environmental Science and Pollution Research International) This stud...

Cooking With Gas, Household Air Pollution, And Asthma: Little Recognized Risk For Children

1 min read

(Journal of Environmental Health) Researchers searched PubMed for stud...

Methane And Nox Emissions From Natural Gas Stoves, Cooktops, And Ovens In Residential Homes

1 min read

(Environmental Science & Technology )This study found that gas sto...

Residential Carbon Monoxide Detector Failure Rates In The United States

1 min read

(American Journal of Public Health) In a study of 30 carbon monoxide d...

Formaldehyde Exposure And Lower Respiratory Infections In Infants: Findings From The Paris Cohort Study

1 min read

(Environmental Health Perspectives) The study aimed to determine the i...

Pollutant Concentrations and Emission Rates from Natural Gas Cooking Burners without and with Range Hood Exhaust in Nine California Homes

1 min read

(Building and Environment) A study measured combustion pollutant conce...

Effect of Venting Range Hood Flow Rate on Size-Resolved Ultrafine Particle Concentrations from Gas Stove Cooking

1 min read

(Aerosol Science and Technology) This study investigated the effect of...

Air Infiltration in Low-Income, Urban Homes and Its Relationship to Lung Function

1 min read

(Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology) The stu...

Lung Cancer and Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide and Traffic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

1 min read

( Environmental Health Perspectives) This literature review found cons...

Air Pollution and Family Related Determinants of Asthma Onset and Persistent Wheezing in Children: Nationwide Case-Control Study

1 min read

(The BMJ) The findings of this study suggest that children exposed to ...