Posts by Climate Nexus

Climate Nexus is a strategic communications group dedicated to highlighting the impacts of climate change and clean energy solutions in the United States.

Outdoor Air Pollution, Family and Neighborhood Environment, and Asthma in LA FANS Children

1 min read

(Health & Place) This study evaluated the association between outd...

Long-Term Exposure to Low-Level NO2 and Mortality among the Elderly Population in the Southeastern United States

1 min read

(Environmental Health Perspectives) The study looked at the effects of...

Nitrogen Dioxide Exposure from Domestic Gas Cooking and Airway Response in Asthmatic Women, National Library of Medicine

1 min read

(Thorax) Sixteen adult non-smoking women with mild to severe persisten...

Moving Environmental Justice Indoors: Understanding Structural Influences on Residential Exposure Patterns in Low-Income Communities

1 min read

(American Journal of Public Health) The authors conducted a review of ...

Children's Response to Air Pollutants

1 min read

(Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A) Reasons child...

Ultrafine Particles and Nitrogen Oxides Generated by Gas and Electric Cooking

1 min read

(British Medical Journal: Occupational & Environmental Medicine) E...

Nitrogen Dioxide and Respiratory Illness in Children. Part IV: Effects of Housing and Meteorologic Factors on Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations

1 min read

(Health Effects Institute) This study confirmed the findings of previo...

Predictors of Concentrations of Nitrogen Dioxide, Fine Particulate Matter, and Particle Constituents inside of Lower Socioeconomic Status Urban Homes

1 min read

(Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology) The aim...

Gas Cooking and Reduced Lung Function in School Children

1 min read

(Atmospheric Environment) The study concludes that gas stoves can have...

Synthesis of Environmental Evidence: Nitrogen Dioxide Epidemiology Studies

1 min read

(Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association) Looking at lit...