Research Category: Nitrogen Dioxide (2)

Read a brief overview on nitrogen dioxide before diving into the research.

Pollutant Concentrations and Emission Rates from Natural Gas Cooking Burners without and with Range Hood Exhaust in Nine California Homes

1 min read

(Building and Environment) A study measured combustion pollutant conce...

Lung Cancer and Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide and Traffic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

1 min read

( Environmental Health Perspectives) This literature review found cons...

Population Attributable Fraction of Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma in the United States

1 min read

(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health) Th...

Indoor Air Quality in New and Renovated Low-Income Apartments with Mechanical Ventilation and Natural Gas Cooking in California

1 min read

(Indoor Air: International Journal of Environment and Health) This pap...

Personal NO2 Sensor Demonstrates Feasibility of In-Home Exposure Measurements for Pediatric Asthma Research and Management

1 min read

(Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology) A pilot...

Home Interventions Are Effective at Decreasing Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations

1 min read

(Indoor Air: International Journal of Environment and Health) A study ...

Pollutant Exposures from Natural Gas Cooking Burners: A Simulation-Based Assessment for Southern California

1 min read

(Environmental Health Perspectives) A study in California homes found ...

Commentary: Gas Cooking and Child Respiratory Health—Time to Identify the Culprits?

1 min read

(International Journal of Epidemiology) Commentary on a meta-analysis ...

Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide and Gas Cooking on Asthma and Wheeze in Children

1 min read

(International Journal of Epidemiology) This meta-analysis aimed to qu...

Association of Early-Life Exposure to Household Gas Appliances and Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide with Cognition and Attention Behavior in Preschoolers

1 min read

(American Journal of Epidemiology) The study investigated the effect o...