Research Category: Gas Stoves (2)

Composition, Emissions, and Air Quality Impacts of Hazardous Air Pollutants in Unburned Natural Gas from Residential Stoves in California

1 min read

(Environmental Science & Technology) The study looked at the prese...

Personal NO2 Sensor Demonstrates Feasibility of In-Home Exposure Measurements for Pediatric Asthma Research and Management

1 min read

(Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology) A pilot...

Home Interventions Are Effective at Decreasing Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations

1 min read

(Indoor Air: International Journal of Environment and Health) A study ...

Commentary: Gas Cooking and Child Respiratory Health—Time to Identify the Culprits?

1 min read

(International Journal of Epidemiology) Commentary on a meta-analysis ...

Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide and Gas Cooking on Asthma and Wheeze in Children

1 min read

(International Journal of Epidemiology) This meta-analysis aimed to qu...

A Longitudinal Study of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Levels and Respiratory Symptoms in Inner-City Children with Asthma

1 min read

(Environmental Health Perspectives) This study aimed to determine the ...

Nitrogen Dioxide Exposure from Domestic Gas Cooking and Airway Response in Asthmatic Women, National Library of Medicine

1 min read

(Thorax) Sixteen adult non-smoking women with mild to severe persisten...

Moving Environmental Justice Indoors: Understanding Structural Influences on Residential Exposure Patterns in Low-Income Communities

1 min read

(American Journal of Public Health) The authors conducted a review of ...

Ultrafine Particles and Nitrogen Oxides Generated by Gas and Electric Cooking

1 min read

(British Medical Journal: Occupational & Environmental Medicine) E...

Nitrogen Dioxide and Respiratory Illness in Children. Part IV: Effects of Housing and Meteorologic Factors on Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations

1 min read

(Health Effects Institute) This study confirmed the findings of previo...